A study on Strategic Planning of Marine Biotechnology for Next Generation

차세대 해양생명공학사업 추진 전략수립 연구

  • Received : 2014.12.08
  • Accepted : 2015.01.12
  • Published : 2014.12.31


The aim of this project is to develop an adaptive and collective National Marine Biotechnology Plan for the next decade(2014~2023) which is able to reflect current and future changing environment. This effective strategy targets to foster marine-derived active bio-materials, marine bioenergy production technology and many promising technologies in order to promote marine biotechnology industry as a next-generation growth engine. Marine biotechnology industry based on R&D activities since 1980 has been growing as an emerging industry. This new field enables to secure exclusive patent rights and to find new potential bio-active materials from the ocean that requires long-term aggressive R&D investments. The current policy direction is to raise appropriate level of R&D investment because the current Korea's national marine biotechnology R&D fund ratio is less than 2% of the total national biotechnology R&D budget. The result shows three major strategies. First, it recommended a research implementation system and supporting policy that includes establishment of open innovation framework for the 'Industry-Academia-Research Institute Collaborations', strategic research planning and enhanced policy making process. Second, it derived state-of-the-art or new technology in many areas. Third, it formulated more detailed execution plans for successful R&D support and set up performance indicator system in related R&D program.



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