V-notched elements under mode II loading conditions

  • Sapora, Alberto (Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino) ;
  • Cornetti, Pietro (Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino) ;
  • Carpinteri, Alberto (Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino)
  • Received : 2013.10.25
  • Accepted : 2013.12.27
  • Published : 2014.02.25


We apply the Finite Fracture Mechanics criterion to address the problem of a V-notched structure subjected to mode II loading, i.e., we provide a way to determine the direction and the load at which a crack propagates from the notch tip and express the critical conditions in terms of the generalized stress intensity factor. Weight functions for V-notch emanated cracks available in the literature allow us to implement the fracture criterion proposed in an almost completely analytical manner: the determination of the critical load and the direction of crack growth is reduced to a stationary point problem. A comparison with experimental data presented in the Literature concludes the paper.



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