Induced Spawning Behavior and Morphological Development of the Eggs and Larvae of the Variable Sabretooth Blenny, Petroscirtes variabilis (Pisces: Blenniidae)

개베도라치(Petroscirtes variabilis)의 산란행동 유도 및 난 발생, 자어의 형태발달

  • Park, Jae Min (Department of Aqualife Science, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Han, Kyeong Ho (Department of Aqualife Science, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Na Ri (Department of Aqualife Science, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Cho, Jae Kwon (Southwest Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI)
  • 박재민 (전남대학교 양식생물학전공) ;
  • 한경호 (전남대학교 양식생물학전공) ;
  • 김나리 (전남대학교 양식생물학전공) ;
  • 조재권 (남서해수산연구소 해역산업과)
  • Received : 2014.10.29
  • Accepted : 2014.12.15
  • Published : 2014.12.31


This research has carried out to make a data base of taxonomic research. That Data base explains about spawning behavior, egg development, and morphologic development of variable sabretooth blenny. Fertilized egg was demersal egg which is white and opaque. The number of oil glouble were 10~11, and the size of egg was 0.90~1.43 mm (average rate $1.11{\pm}0.23mm$, n=10). Breeding water temperature was $25.5{\sim}28.5^{\circ}C$ (average rate $27.0^{\circ}C$), and salinity was 32.5~33.5‰ (average rate 33.0‰). After 24 hours from 2 cells, the process of egg development was reached to Blastula stage. Moreover, after 330 hours from 2 cells, nostrils and eyes were formed. Egg membrane was pierced by the head, and the hatch began. After the hatch, postlarvae had 2.59~3.02 mm (average rate $2.81{\pm}0.25mm$, n=5) of whole length, and the mouth and anus were opened. Yolk sac and oil glouble were absorbed. After three days from hatch, prelarvae were 3.02~3.07mm(average rate $3.04{\pm}0.04mm$) of whole length, and caudal fin was grown with round shape. After 13 days from hatch, prelarvae had 3.04~3.20 mm (average rate $3.12{\pm}0.11mm$) of whole length, and they could eat food with upper jaw and bottom jaw.

본 연구는 개베도라치의 산란행동 및 난 발생과 자어의 형태발달을 조사하여 분류학적 연구의 기초자료로 이용하고자 실시하였다. 수정란은 구형으로 백색의 불투명한 침성 점착란이었고 유구의 수는 10~11개였으며, 난의 크기는 0.90~1.43 mm (평균 $1.11{\pm}0.23mm$, n=10)범위였다. 사육 수온은 $25.5{\sim}28.5^{\circ}C$ (평균 $27.0^{\circ}C$), 염분 32.5~33.5‰ (평균 33.0‰) 범위를 유지하였다. 난 발생 과정은 2세포기 후 24시간에 배반이 난황의 2/3 이상을 덮고 내려와 초기 낭배기에 달하였다. 2세포기 후 330시간에는 비공과 입이 형성되었고, 머리부터 난막을 뚫고 나오면서 부화가 시작되었다. 부화 직후의 전기 자어는 전장 2.59~3.02 mm ($2.81{\pm}0.25mm$, n=5)로 입과 항문은 열려 있었고, 난황과 유구는 흡수된 상태였다. 부화 후 3일째 후기 자어는 전장 3.02~3.07 mm ($3.04{\pm}0.04mm$)로 막으로 된 꼬리지느러미가 원기모양으로 분화하기 시작하였다. 부화 후 13일째 후기 자어는 전장 3.04~3.20 mm ($3.12{\pm}0.11mm$)로 아래턱과 윗턱이 발달하면서 먹이 섭취하기 시작하였다.



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