에머지 분석을 통한 논벼 생산의 자원적 가치 평가

Emergy Evaluation of Resource Values for Rice Paddy Production in South Korea

  • 이지민 (서울대학교 농업생명과학 연구원) ;
  • 김태곤 (서울대학교 그린바이오 과학기술연구원) ;
  • 서교 (서울대학교 국제농업기술대학원, 서울대학교 그린바이오 과학기술연구원)
  • Lee, Jimin (Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Taegon (Institute of Green Bio Science and Technology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Suh, Kyo (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Institute of Green Bio Science and Technology, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.03
  • 심사 : 2014.10.29
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze emergy flows of rice for evaluating the value of rice production and sustainability. Emergy analysis evaluates the sustainability of systems or processes considering all the inputs to make a product or a sevice. In this study, we analyzed the emergy flows and indices of rice productionand compared the regional emergy values using statisticcal analysis: input materials, hours per unit area(10a), and production costs. As the results, we found that the rates of external investment (EIR= 18.87) and environmental loading (ELR=21.7) are significantly high during the rice cultivation. However, emergy yield ratio(EYR) shows that rice is a valuable resource because EYR is 5.12 and environmental Sustainability IndexSI value is as low as 0.24 and it shows rice has low sustainability. This study also shows that Chungcheongnam-do has the highest SI value for rice production due to low environmental loading and abundant natural energy during rice cultivation. These results of rice emergy flows and sustainability assessments could provide a way of sustainable rice cultivation with decrease of environmental loading from fertilizer.



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