A Study on the Replotting Method of Pyongyang's Land Readjustment Projects during the Japanese Occupation Period in Korea - Focused on the First Land Readjustment Project -

일제강점기 평양부 토지구획정리사업의 환지방식에 관한 연구 - 제1 토지구획정리사업지를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2014.10.01
  • Accepted : 2014.11.18
  • Published : 2014.12.30


This study aims to analyze the implementation of Pyongyang's land readjustment projects based on the replotting methods used during the Japanese occupation period in Korea. The land readjustment under 1934 Joseon Urban Decree had a great impact on the modernization of Korean cities and several preceding researches have looked at its legal, theoretical aspects, but its implementional process was never fully investigated. It is mostly due to the difficulties of securing raw materials which can correctly document the ownership of land and replotting method. This study documents and analyzes Pyongyang's the first land readjustment project, which will contribute in clarifying its influence on Pyongyang's urban transformation.



Supported by : 한양대학교


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