Application of Fractal Geometry to Architectural Design

  • Received : 2014.09.21
  • Accepted : 2014.12.01
  • Published : 2014.12.30


Contemporary architecture tends to deconstruct modern architecture based on rationalization just like reductionism and functionalism and secedes from it. It means change from mechanical to organic and ecological view of the world. According to these changes, consideration of a compositive relationship presented variety and complexity in architecture. Thus, the modern speculation based on rationalism cannot provide an alternative interpretation about complicated architectural phenomena. At this point in time, the purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities of the fractal as an alternative tool of analysis and design in contemporary architecture. In this study, two major aspects are discussed. First, the fractal concepts just like 'fractal dimension', 'box-counting dimension' and 'fractal rhythm' can be applied to analysis in architecture. Second, the fractal formative principles just like 'scaling', 'superimposition trace', 'distortion' and 'repetition' can be applied to design in architecture. Fractal geometry similar to nature's patterned order can provide endless possibilities for analysis and design in architecture. Therefore further study of fractal geometry should be conducted synthetically from now on.



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