복식 고증을 통한 복온공주 혼례 친영반차도 구현 - 여자참여자를 중심으로 -

Materialization of a Chinyoung Procession Illustration of Princess Bok-On's Wedding Based on Historical Dress Research - Focusing on women participants -

  • 김아람 (단국대학교 전통의상학과) ;
  • 최연우 (단국대학교 전통의상학과)
  • Kim, Ah-Ram (Dept. of Korean Traditional Costume, Dankook University) ;
  • Choi, Yeon-Woo (Dept. of Korean Traditional Costume, Dankook University)
  • 투고 : 2014.05.12
  • 심사 : 2014.09.30
  • 발행 : 2014.11.30


Chinyoung(親迎) is one of the detailed procedures of a wedding ceremony, of which the bridegroom visits the bride's home to receive and bring her to his home. And, Procession Illustration (班次圖) is a type of drawing that shows how people of various social classes are arranged in their predetermined positions in a royal ceremony. Thus, 'Chinyoung Procession Illustration(親迎班次圖)' refers to the drawing of the march in the course of Joseon's royal wedding ceremony, in which the bridegroom receives and brings the bride to his home. This paper aims to reconstruct the Chinyoung Procession Illustration for a princess as an image, which has never been done. There are no drawings or pictures of the princesses' Chinyoung Procession, but only written records. Thus, we completed the Procession Illustration by dressing the participants in accordance with their social classes and arranging them in the march. The arrangements were based on historical records of social classes, positions, number, and costumes. As for the princesses' weddings in the late Joseon period, a total of 18 wedding records remain. We selected Princess Bok-On's (福溫公主: 1818~1832) wedding as the subject of reconstruction as it had the greatest number of participants. In addition, due to the great number of participants, this study limits its focus to the female participants, with the male participants to be examined in future research. The result confirmed that the number of participants in Princess Bok-On's Chinyoung Procession was 184, including the bride and bridegroom, and the number of female participants was 26 in total, including the princess and women placed around her. The women participants wore Rip(笠), Neoul(羅兀), Jeonmo(氈帽), Garima(加里磨), Noeui(露衣), Hwaleui(豁衣), Dangeui(唐衣), Jeogori(赤古里), Chima(赤亇), Malgun(袜裙), Daedae(大帶), Onhye(溫鞋), Dokhye(禿鞋).



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  50. 단국대학교석주선기념박물관 (2005), 名選, 下, 경기:단국대학교석주선기념박물관, p. 160.
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  53. 慶嬪嘉禮謄錄(1847), <詣別宮班次> ; 고려대학교박물관 소장 <詣闕班次圖> .
  54. 正祖實錄 정조 12년 10월 3일.
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  56. 慶嬪嘉禮謄錄, <詣闕班次> ; 고려대학교박물관 소장<詣闕班次圖> .
  57. 국립중앙박물관 (2002), 朝鮮時代風俗畵, 서울: 국립중앙박물관, p. 169.
  58. 단국대학교석주선기념박물관(2005), 名選, 下, 경기:단국대학교석주선기념박물관, p. 35.
  59. 國婚定例(1749), 卷6, 公主嘉禮
  60. 단국대학교석주선기념박물관 (2005), 名選, 下, 경기:단국대학교석주선기념박물관, p. 130.
  61. 福溫公主嘉禮謄錄, 親迎 '親迎笏記․公主詣駙馬家班次'.
  62. 慶嬪嘉禮謄錄, <詣闕班次>.

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