기술사마당 - 도시 쓰레기 소각에서 발생하는 다이옥신으로부터 국민건강을 지키자

  • Received : 2012.09.10
  • Published : 2013.03.26


The treatment of city life wastes is headache problem. Now, only small portion of burnable wastes is burnt at modern process incinerators, the other large portion is buried in the soil by landfill method. The burnable wastes will be increased year by year. The dioxin, the cancer-causing agent, produced by incineration of wastes influences harmful effect to national human health. The new idea of burnable wastes treatment is using the city life wastes as auxiliary fuel of fluidizing bed combustion boiler of large scale coal-fired power plant. The dioxin-free treatment of burnable wastes is sucessfully achieved by burning the wastes, in flyash storm at fluidizing bed combustion boiler.
