Determinants for the Social Acceptance of New Emerging Science and Technology: The Case of Genetically Modified Foods

  • Kim, Seoyong (Department of Public Administration, Ajou University)
  • 발행 : 2013.10.31


This study identifies the structural determinants of the social acceptance of genetically modified (GM) foods across European countries. Toward this end, we suggest an integrated theoretical model to explain the social acceptance of GM foods by including both perception factors (perceived benefit, perceived risk, feelings, trust, and knowledge) and value factors (ethical concerns, science optimism, religiosity, and ideology). This model is then tested by analyzing survey data collected from 18,634 Europeans in 32 countries. The results indicate that first, not only perception factors but also value factors significantly contribute to explaining the acceptance of GM foods. Second, perceived benefits, perceived risk, feelings, and ethical concerns tend to be the four biggest determinants for acceptance. Third, this two-factor model could be generalized even with variation across countries. Finally, ethical concerns and scientific optimism play a moderating role between predictors and outcomes in the acceptance of GM foods.
