The Influences of Impulse Buying on the Emotion of Regret According to Product and Shopping Mall Types and the Differences of Regret Solution Efforts by Impulse Buying Consumer Types - Focusing on the Internet Purchase of Fashion Products -

충동구매가 후회에 미치는 제품 및 쇼핑몰 유형별 영향과 충동구매유형에 따른 후회해소행동 차이 - 인터넷 패션제품 구매를 중심으로 -

  • 지혜경 (한성대학교 패션디자인전공)
  • Received : 2013.07.11
  • Accepted : 2013.09.12
  • Published : 2013.11.30


The purpose of this study is to find out the various impulse buying factors which influence the emotion of regret in the internet purchase of fashion products and to measure the differences of regret solution efforts according to impulse buying consumer types. This study surveyed females in their 20s~40s for empirical analysis in August 2012, and it targeted women who have experienced impulse buying of fashion products in the internet mall. 297 subjects were collected for the data, and they were subjects who were selected through online convenience sampling. This study surveyed females in their 20s~40s for empirical analysis in August 2012 who have ever experienced impulse buying of fashion products in the internet mall. Data were collected for 297 subjects who were selected through online convenience sampling. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, and ANOVA were carried out using SPSS for Windows 12.0. The results of this study are as follows. First, it was identified that impulse buying by refreshing, accidental, promotion, recommendation stimulus have significant influence on the regret of consumer after impulse buying. Second, there are significant differences in the factors of impulse buying which influence the regret according to the impulse buying products and the shopping malls. Third, there are significant differences in regret relieving behavior according to the impulse buying consumer types. This study will help internet shopping malls to find out the action plans to handle consumers' regret from impulse buying.



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