부산지역에 적합한 시간당 수평면 전일사량 산출모델의 비교분석

Comparison Analysis of Estimation Models of Hourly Horizontal Global Solar Radiation for Busan, Korea

  • 김기한 (미국 텍사스 A&M 대학교 대학원 건축학과) ;
  • 오기환 (동서대학교 건축설계학과)
  • Kim, Kee Han (Department of Architecture, Graduate School, Texas A&M University) ;
  • Oh, Kie-Whan (Department of Architectural Design, Dongseo University)
  • 투고 : 2013.06.13
  • 심사 : 2013.09.23
  • 발행 : 2013.10.30


Hourly horizontal global solar radiation has been used as one of significant parameters in a weather file for building energy simulations, which determines the quality of building thermal performance. However, as about twenty two weather stations in Korea have actually measured the horizontal global sola radiation, the weather files collected in other stations requires solar data simulation from the other meteorological parameters. Thus, finding the reliable complicated method that can be used in various weather conditions in Korea is critically important. In this paper, three solar simulation models were selected and evaluated through the reliability test with the simulated hourly horizontal global solar radiation against the actually measured solar data to find the most suitable model for the south east area of Korea. Three selected simulation models were CRM, ZHM, and MRM. The first two models are regression type models using site-fitted coefficients which are derived from the correlation between measured solar data and local meteorological parameters from the previous years, and the last model is a mechanistic type model using the meteorological data to calculate conditions of atmospheric constituents that cause absorption and scattering of the extraterrestrial radiation on the way to the surface on the Earth. The evaluation results show that ZHM is the most reliable model in this area, yet a complicated hybrid simulation methods applying the advantages of each simulation method with the monthly-based weather data is needed.



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