연구 과제 주관 기관 : National Nature Science Foundation of China
- Y. Dodis,J. Katz,S. Xu,and M. Yung,"Key-insulated public-key cryptosystems," in Proc. of Eurocrypt,LNCS 2332,pp. 65-82.
- G. Hanaoka,Y. Hanaoka,and H. Imai,"Parallel key-insulated public key encryption," in Proc. PKC,LNCS 3958,pp. 105-122.
- G. Hanaoka and J. Weng,"Generic constructions of parallel key-insulated encryption: Stronger security model and novel schemes," in Proc. SCN, LNCS 6280,pp. 36-53.
- B. Libert,B. J. Quisquater,and M. Yung,"Parallel key-insulated public key encryption without random oracles," in Proc. PKC,LNCS 4450, pp. 298-314.
- J.Weng,S. Liu,K. Chen,and X. Li,"Identity-based parallel key-insulated signature: Framework and construction," Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology,vol. 40,no. 1, pp. 55-68, 2008.
- J.Weng,X. Li,K. Chen,and S. Liu,"Identity-based parallel key-insulated signature without random oracles," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 1143-1157, 2008.
- J. Weng,K. Chen,X. Li,and S. Liu,"Parallel key-insulated signature: Framework and construction," Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science),vol. 13,no. 1, pp. 6-11, 2008. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12204-008-0006-y
- R. Canetti,O. Goldreich,and S. Halevi,"The random oracle methodology, revisited," Journal of the ACM, vol. 51, no. 4,pp. 557-594.
- B. Waters,"Efficient identity-based encryption without random oracles," in Proc. Eurocrypt, LNCS 3494, 2005, pp. 114-127.