Worldwide harmonized light-duty vehicle test procedure (WLTP) for emission certification has been developed in WP.29 forum in UN ECE since 2007. The test procedure is expected to be applied to Korean light-duty diesel vehicles at the same time of adoption in Europe. The air pollutant emissions from light-duty vehicles have been regulated with weight per distance travelled which means the driving cycles can affect the results. The six Euro-5 light-duty diesel vehicles including sedan, SUV and truck have been tested with WLTP, NEDC which is used for emission certification for light-duty diesel vehicles, and CVS-75 to estimate how much particle number emission can be affected by different driving cycles. The averaged particle number emissions have not shown statistically meaningful difference. The maximum particle number emission have been found in Low speed phase of WLTP which is mainly caused by cooled engine conditions. The amount of particle number emission in cooled engine condition is much different as test vehicles. It means different technical solution is required in this aspect to cope with WLTP driving cycle.