Basic Experiment on the Propagation Characteristics of Premixed Flames in Narrow Annular Coaxial Quartz Tubes

좁은 다중 동축 석영관 내부에서의 예혼합 화염의 전파 특성에 대한 기초 실험

  • Received : 2013.03.25
  • Accepted : 2013.06.08
  • Published : 2013.06.28


Flame stabilization characteristics of premixed flames in narrow annular coaxial tubes (NACT) were investigated experimentally. The NACT burner was proposed as a model of a cylindrical refractory burner, and it was made of quartz tubes. Flame stabilization conditions affected by the characteristic length of the burner was investigated with the variation of the equivalence ratio and the flow rates. Flame behaviors in narrow spaces could be directly observed. Conclusively, more wide flame stabilization conditions could be obtained at the case of the decreased channel scale. A flame instability, such as combustion noise was detected concerned with the flame oscillation observed at the surface of multi channel stage. Some flame propagation characteristics had complicated tendencies that may exist in practical porous-media combustors. Therefore, this NACT burner can be a basic configuration for the development of flame stabilization model in porous media combustor, and it will enhance our understanding about the behavior of flames in meso-scale combustion spaces.



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Cited by

  1. 환형 5중 동축관 연소기 내부에서의 예혼합 화염의 전파 특성 직접 관찰 vol.18, pp.3, 2013,