듀이 교육목적의 내재적 가치에 대한 탐구

A Study of Intrinsic Values in Dewey's Educational Aim

  • 투고 : 2013.08.11
  • 심사 : 2013.09.08
  • 발행 : 2013.10.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate intrinsic values with respect to the nature of aim from the viewpoint of Dewey. The intrinsic values have been recognized as values independent of activities or the content that preexist before embodied into activities. But from the perspective of Dewey, intrinsic values can be revealed only through the activity. Because they are inherent in the activities. Dewey suggested that the educational aim that is influenced by the traditional metaphysics should be meaningless in that it is given from outside and not related to human activities. The educational purpose that influenced by modern metaphysics and contemporary theories also can be regarded external, because the content and value of learning are assumed ahead activities. In the view of Dewey, the concepts of values are exposed through activities, so they can not exist independently. According to his own metaphysics that organism and its environment interact each other, all values c an be formed only in the course of activities. Thus, the intrinsic value of Dewey is a process per se, as the intrinsic value cannot be assumed ahead activities but can be exposed through activities. Bringing meaning to life through experience is Dewey's concept of growth as an educational aim. Education under such a purpose, would give the foundation to cultivate talent who are creative, proactive and communicate with their neighbors as a member of a democratic society.



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