As climate change is increasingly recognised as an important global problem, a wide variety of policies and measures are emerging at global and local level to deal with the challenges from the anthropogenic global warming. While national and inter-national efforts characterized by limiting GHG emissions shows very little progress because of their expanse spatial scale and complicated political situations, local efforts have the potentials to ensure effective implementation, monitoring and continual improvement. In the context of local-scale climate policy, the city of Portland is known as one of the best leading cities for its progress of implementing climate change strategies. This paper will briefly discuss the city's efforts to solve the climate change problem and its achievements. The latest climate action plan is selected for the analysis on the followings; the framework of the action plan, the types of implementation methods, and the coordinating agencies. The progress status of each action plans is also reviewed. The purpose of this paper is to describe the main characteristics of the climate action plans and their implications from the intensive analysis on the city of Portland's case.