조제분유 및 조제식 중 중금속 위해성 평가

Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals through Modified Milk Powder and Formulas

  • 최훈 (식품의약품안전처 식품위해평가부 오염물질과) ;
  • 김형수 (식품의약품안전처 식품위해평가부 오염물질과) ;
  • 박선희 (식품의약품안전처 식품위해평가부 오염물질과)
  • Choi, Hoon (Food Contaminants Divisions, Food Safety Evaluation Department, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) ;
  • Kim, Hyung-Soo (Food Contaminants Divisions, Food Safety Evaluation Department, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) ;
  • Park, Sun-Hee (Food Contaminants Divisions, Food Safety Evaluation Department, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
  • 투고 : 2013.06.18
  • 심사 : 2013.09.15
  • 발행 : 2013.10.31


본 연구에서는 조제분유 및 조제식의 중금속 함량 실태 조사를 통해 우리나라 영 유아가 해당 식품을 섭취할 경우 중금속 노출수준에 따른 위해성을 평가하였다. 중금속 함량 실태조사를 위해 국내 유통 중인 조제분유 및 조제식 204건을 수거하여 분석한 결과, 납 함량은 평균 0.0004(조제우유)-0.010(영유아용 조제식) mg/kg이었고, 카드뮴 함량은 평균 0.002(조제우유)-0.007(성장기용 조제식) mg/kg이었으며 비소 함량은 평균 0.004(조제우유)-0.040(영유아용 조제식) mg/kg이었다. 조제분유 및 조제식을 최대로 섭취할 경우 중금속 노출량은 $0.78-1.04{\mu}g$ Pb/d, $0.65-0.87{\mu}g$ Cd/d, $2.25-3.00{\mu}g$ As/d으로 인체섭취한계량의 2.0-4.5%, 7.1-16.0%, 0.4-0.9%이었다. 따라서, 국내 유통되는 조제분유 및 조제식 섭취로 인한 중금속 노출수준은 JECFA 및 WHO의 인체노출안전기준보다 낮은 위해도를 보임으로써, 우리나라 영 유아는 조제분유 및 조제식에 존재하는 중금속의 위해성으로부터 안전한 것으로 사료된다.

The present study was carried out to assess dietary exposure and risk for the infant population by lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) exposure through modified milk powder and formulas. Analysis of heavy metals was performed using a microwave device and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, the method for which was fully validated. Various samples (n=204), including modified milk powder, modified milk, follow-up modified milk powder, infant formula and follow- up formula, were collected from retail outlets and markets across Korea. The mean contents of heavy metals were Pb 0.0004 (modified milk)-0.010 (infant formula) mg/kg, Cd 0.002 (modified milk)-0.007 (follow-up formula) mg/kg, and As 0.004(modified milk)-0.040 (infant formula) mg/kg, respectively. For risk assessment, daily intakes of heavy metals through maximum intake of modified milk powder and formulas were calculated and compared with reference doses established by JECFA and WHO. The dietary exposures of heavy metals were $0.78-1.04{\mu}g$ Pb/d, $0.65-0.87{\mu}g$ Cd/d, and $2.25-3.00{\mu}g$ As/d, corresponding to 2.0-4.5%, 7.1-16.0%, and 0.4-0.9% of reference doses, respectively. Therefore, the level of overall dietary exposure to heavy metals for Korean infant through food intake was below 20% of the reference dose, indicating a low risk to infant consumers.



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피인용 문헌

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