Neural Networks Based Adaptive Flight Controller Design and Handling Quality Evaluation for Tiltrotor Aircraft

신경회로망을 이용한 틸트로터 항공기의 적응 비행제어기 설계 및 비행성 평가

  • 이기영 (국방기술품질원 기술기획본부 전력연구부) ;
  • 김병수 (경상대학교 항공우주공학과, 항공기부품기술연구소)
  • Received : 2013.07.30
  • Accepted : 2013.09.23
  • Published : 2013.09.30


An application of adaptive flight controller is required for the non-linear and high uncertain system that configuration of tiltrotor aircraft is dramatically changed from rotary wing mode to fixed wing mode. In this paper, the applicable adaptive controller for the tiltrotor aircraft was designed using Neural Networks and DMI (Dynamic Model Inversion). The performance of the SCAS (Stability and Control Augmentation System) was simulated against manned military specification, using the fullscale model of 'Smart UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)' developed by Korea Aerospace Research Institute. And Neural Networks based adaptive controller was verified through its whole operating envelope using the established HQ (Handling Quality) criteria.



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