Anti-platelet Aggregation and Anti-thrombotic Effects of Marine Natural Products Sargahydroquinoic Acid and Sargaquinoic Acid

  • Park, Byong-Gon (Department of Physiology, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Oh, Sangtae (Department of Basic Science, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Kwon, Daeho (Department of Microbiology, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Cui, Yuan (Department of Physiology, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Ham, Jungyeob (Marine Chemomics Laboratory, Natural Medicine Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Shin, Woon-Seob (Department of Microbiology, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Seokjoon (Department of Pharmacology, Kwandong University College of Medicine)
  • Received : 2013.06.18
  • Accepted : 2013.07.16
  • Published : 2013.10.20




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