병원간호사의 조직몰입과 이직의도의 영향요인: 개인-환경 적합성의 매개효과를 중심으로

Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention of Hospital Nurses: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Person-environment Fit

  • 투고 : 2013.02.04
  • 심사 : 2013.05.10
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


Purpose: This study was done to investigate the factors affecting organizational commitment and turnover intention of hospital nurses. Empirical analysis on the mediating effect of the person-environment fit of organizational commitment and turnover intention and factors affecting this relationship were also examined. Methods: Participants were nurses working in 4 university hospitals in Seoul or Busan. Data were collected between July 27 and Aug. 10, 2012 and for the final analysis, 393 data sets were used. The fitness of models were tested using AMOS 19.0. Results: The fitness of the modified model showed high compatibility with the empirical data. In the modified model, organizational climate, professional self-concepts and person-organization fit were found to have significant effects on hospital nurses' organizational commitment. Professional self-concepts, personality, person-organization fit and person-job fit significantly affected hospital nurses' turnover intention. There was the mediating effect of person-organization fit between organizational commitment and turnover intention and factors affecting the relationship. But person-job fit was not found to have a mediating effect. Organizational commitment accounted for 49.8% and turnover intention for 39.9% of covariance in these factors. Conclusion: Nursing strategy for enhancing professional self-concepts and person-organizational fit should be planned by nursing managers.



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