Performance Analysis of Spatial Multiplexing in MIMO Based Visible Light Communication System

  • Received : 2013.06.14
  • Accepted : 2013.09.25
  • Published : 2013.09.30


Visible light communication (VLC) is a rapidly growing area of research and applications, due to the potential and predicted high efficiency of bandwidth. One of the key challenges in VLC technology is the choice of devices which are going to be deployed VLC features. Smartphone rationally uses the most widely deployed visible light sensor i.e. image sensor in camera, which could be used to receive the intensity modulated data. Image sensor based VLC system would be the most deployable scenario but initially the capacity was not much attractive compared with photodetector based VLC system. Here, the spatial multiplexing is proposed in MIMO based VLC system to increase the system capacity by utilizing the property of spatial separation of optical light sources in smartphone's camera module. The active pixels of imaging plane act as the multiple receivers which could be able to use on MIMO spatial multiplexing to enhance the system performance.



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