『Yeongchu·Ohseak(靈樞·五色)』 and Physiognomy - Focused on Inspecting Colors -

『영추(靈樞)·오색(五色)』에 대한 상학적(相學的) 고찰(考察) - 오색편(五色篇)과 인상고전(人相古典)에 나오는 찰색(察色) 중심으로 -

  • Joo, Sun-Hee (Dept. of Management for Physiognomy, Won-Kwang Digital University)
  • 주선희 (원광디지털대학교 얼굴경영학과)
  • Received : 2013.05.09
  • Accepted : 2013.05.28
  • Published : 2013.05.31


Objectives : In physiognomy, human emotion such as joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure in social relation is one of important factors for impression formation. Various emotional feelings exert significant influence on the endocrine action and the muscle activities as well as changes of one's impression, which results in changes of one's life. On the other hand, such alterations in life may also bring changes of one's impression. The method of physiognomic examination is not different from the inspecting colors that makes a diagnosis of physical conditions. Thus, based on "Yeongchu Ohseak(靈樞 五色)", the present study compares similarities and differences between the two views of the physiognomy and the Korean medicine. Methods : The similarities and differences between the two approaches will be compared to each other and analysed with the respect to inspecting colors suggested by preceding research in physiognomy and "Yeongchu Ohseak(靈樞 五色)". Results & Conclusions : From this study, we found physiognomy and the Korean medicine shares the same theoretical background. The differences that we found in the present study are as follow. The inspection diagnosis in the Korean medicine focuses on the prevention and treatment of diseases; however, physiognomy focuses on the prognostication of one's life in order to lead a happy life. As the ultimate goals of the two approaches differ with each other, it is peculiarly challenging to compare these two in detail. Therefore, the future study should address physiognomy as a part of the Korean medicine so that the Korean medicine can contribute to mankind for a better and healthy human life.



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