Supported by : 한밭대학교
In this study, we examined how the psychological safety influence expected image outcomes(image gain, image risk) and how expected image outcomes impact one's involvement in creative work. And, we examined the relationship between creative work involvement and job performance. We also investigated mediating role of expected image outcomes between psychological safety and creative work involvement. Survey data was collected from 271 employees working in a South Korea. The results of structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.50 indicate that psychological safety was positively related to expected image gain, but not significantly related to expected image risk. The result also expected image gain was positively related to creative work involvement, contrary to prediction of hypothesis 2-2, expected image risk was positively associated with creative work involvement. In addition, creative work involvement has positive effect on job performance. Finally, the relationship of expected image outcomes about psychological safety and creative work involvement was mediated by expected image gain partially. We extended the literature and contributed better understanding of the creativity research by answering calls for further research on involvement in creative work rather then the outcome of the creative process.
Supported by : 한밭대학교