Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review (가족자원경영과 정책)
- Volume 17 Issue 2
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- Pages.55-74
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- 2013
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
Development of household production satellite and application based on the establishment of concept and standardized measurement for household production
가정생산 위성계정의 개발 및 적용: 새로운 개념 정립과 표준화된 측정방법을 중심으로
- Park, Hyun-Jung (Statistics Korea, Statistics Research Institute Trends Analysis Division) ;
- Hong, Hyunjeong (Statistics Korea, Statistics Research Institute Research Planning Division) ;
- Huh, Kyungok (Dept. of Living Culture and Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's Univ.)
- Received : 2012.09.27
- Accepted : 2013.05.06
- Published : 2013.05.31
This research developed standardized satellite accounts for household production to measure the entire production in Korea using representative Korean data. This study utilized standardized methods for measuring the expenditure and consumption of expendable supplies as an element of intermediate goods in household production. The results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, the total value of household production in Korea in 2009 turned was 268 trillion won, which would be 10.16% of the GDP, based on using the method of replacement by specialty for estimating the value of housework, while it was 356 trillion won, which would be 13.5% of the GDP (2,636 trillion won), based on the method of opportunity cost. Second, the economic value of labor invested in household production was 220 trillion won when using the data from 12 main corresponding wages in the market, while it was 203 trillion won when using the method of total replacement, which used the wages of housekeepers, and 290 trillion won when using the method of opportunity cost in measuring the value of housework labor. Third, in estimating the proportion by section in terms of the total value of household production, the portion of labor in household production was measured from 76% to 82%, depending on the methods used, which is the most significant section. These results indicate that housework has the characteristics of labor-centered work. On the other hand, the value of expenditure on and consumption of expendable supplies, as one element of intermediate goods, is 63 trillion won, which is 17.7% (using the method of opportunity cost in measuring the labor of housework) of household production. Also, the value of capital goods, as the other element of intermediate goods is 2.3 trillion won, which is 0.9% (using the method of opportunity cost) of household production. In conclusion, as an element of household production, housework labor was higher in household production than expenditures on expendables, especially for cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. In the future, people should be cautious about estimating that the amount of household work could be reduced, as women's labor in the market and the household work produced by the market will increase.