Reproducing and Restoring Space Planning for Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Restoration - Focusing on Sobaeksan National Park -

여우(Vulpes vulpes) 복원을 위한 증식·복원장 공간 계획에 관한 연구 - 소백산국립공원 지역을 사례로 -

  • 조동길 (넥서스환경디자인연구원(주)) ;
  • 심윤진 (넥서스환경디자인연구원(주)) ;
  • 홍진표 (넥서스환경디자인연구원(주)) ;
  • 차진열 (국립공원관리공단)
  • Received : 2012.08.09
  • Accepted : 2013.08.19
  • Published : 2013.08.31


A species restoration plan requires a process where the first is to thoroughly study the target species, second is to provide them with an onsite reproduction and adaptation period, and finally, third is to release them to their natural habitat. This study focuses on the space planning for target species' successful onsite reproduction and adaptation. For the study, a site planning near Sobaeksan National Park was implemented with Red Fox's behavior and habitat characteristics in mind for its recovery, reproduction, and natural adaptation. During site selection and planning, the basic aim was to incorporate the existing site as much as possible thus reducing the impact on the environment from the recovery plan. In addition, for a stable recovery of the Red Fox population, the site was classified into three different areas : core area, buffer zone, and transition area. Then, the facilities that help Red Fox's reproduction and adaptation such as reproduction center, foraging site, adaptation training center were planned. Under the condition that the site will be off limit to the public, a limited number of paths for monitoring was provided. For the site's vegetation, the existing species were planted as much as possible with the addition of plants that the Red Fox consume. The facilities included as Red Fox's habitat were fox burrows for hiding and ecological ponds for drinking. From this study, the recovery of the endangered fox species is expected as well as the contribution to an effort to increase of awareness toward the biological resources in Korea through Nagoya protocol. Furthermore, it has the potential to change the public's attitude toward endangered species recovery projects through publicizing and providing experience to the national park visitors.



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