A Study on the Aesthetic Thought and Expression Tendency of Contemporary Architecture from the Concept of the Uncanny

언캐니 개념으로 바라 본 현대건축의 미적사유와 표현경향 연구

  • 박경아 (숙명여자대학교 미술대학 환경디자인과)
  • Received : 2012.12.31
  • Accepted : 2013.02.08
  • Published : 2013.02.28


This study aims to analyze the aesthetic thought and expression tendency appeared in contemporary architecture by looking at today's architectural art based on the concept of the uncanny that Sigmund Freud contended as an aesthetic principle, of the aesthetic concepts tossed around to define the contemporary times in the aesthetics field and discuss the architectural analysis possibility of the concept of the uncanny. The generation structure of the uncanny that generates experiences of fear and surprise is classified into dual structure, trauma, threatening structure, and repetition compulsion. This is the principle that evokes a sense of experiencing subject, incorporates sensibility, and vitalizes internal process. This is also the methodology to organize and structure the concept of the uncanny. When seen from the four factors drawn from the concept of the uncanny and aesthetic expressions, the uncanny expression characteristics of contemporary architecture includes isolation, subversion, trace, absence, oblique line, flotation, concealment, and disturbance. Isolation and subversion refers to producing the space of the pressure of tension and relaxation caused by repression and relief from repression and eliciting the maximum expansion of the sense of space through spatial change. Trace and absence indicates being able to elicit more intense emotions from the experiencing subject by applying the images of alienation and absence in the way to reproduce historical trauma. This happens by implementing the potential value of physical activity. Oblique line and flotation means visual impulse. This happens in the way to visualize uneasy points. This causes uncanny by threatening the survival. Finally, concealment and disturbance refers to creating unpredictable space. The concept of masquerade and maze space composition are applied in the way to activate spatial perception, including space exploration and unintended subject's forced selection. As stated above, the uncanny expression characteristics shown in contemporary architecture can be presented as indicators that are available to analyze the undecided and diversified contemporary architecture aesthetically. In this respect, this study has great significance.



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