A Study on the Planning Elements for Eco-friendly Outdoor Playground

친환경 실외 놀이터 계획 요소에 관한 연구

  • 김자경 (인하공업전문대학 실내건축과)
  • Received : 2013.01.29
  • Accepted : 2013.04.12
  • Published : 2013.04.30


Since Seoul city supplied 'Sangsang Children's Playground', domestic playgrounds are changing from formal facilities to creative play and learning space recently. From eco-friendly safe playground model development project, eco-friendly playground planning and its actual cases have been occasionally introduced. However, we could not know how well most playgrounds reflect eco-friendly features and whether they are eco-friendly or not because the definition about the concept of eco-friendly playground is inadequate and there are not the specific planning guidelines and evaluation standards for making the eco-friendly playground. Therefore, the development of guidelines for the construction of eco-friendly playground is required and evaluation guidelines for them should be made for the active dissemination of the actual eco-friendly playground and the proper construction of the eco-friendly playground. In this study, we defined the concept of eco-friendly outdoor playground and presented the types and characteristics of the playground based on the concept and suggested basic plan guidelines based on the existing requirements for becoming eco-friendly playground. For this purpose, we checked the plan's common points in the existing playground configuration requirements, installation standards, regulations, and safety standards, and offered the planning elements and guidelines through the analysis of outdoor space evaluation standard in eco-friendly safe playground guidelines and eco-friendly building certification system.



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