Study on the Characteristics of the User Space Perception through the Use Dewey's Theory of Experience

존 듀이의 경험이론을 통한 이용자 공간 지각 특성 연구

  • Received : 2013.03.29
  • Accepted : 2013.06.07
  • Published : 2013.06.30


In smart era, concept of User experience has been an important issue both in academic and practical areas in recent years. Interactive space became one of the major design paradigms. For elevating the interactive effect, we need user?centered design methodology which uses the influential factors on the interactivity. As, well developed information technology made a lot of changes to various fields of our society, interactive space with the concept of HCI became a big issue in environmental design field. In this interactive space, various types of informative factors of the given space are sent using sensor and computer networking technology to the main system. So, a user's movement in the space in more than just a movement itself-user's movement now forms a important spatial structure that leads the narrative of the space. in this research, I will come up with the problems that the interactive space has right now, and analyze what the public space must have, and combine them with interactive space by HCI theory. architecture space is not the old space adapting digital technology. In order to take the role as new space paradigm. environment and technology, it has to develop technology continuously and experimental space at the same time. It must have co-evolution of architecture space field and others through organic network. by that, the evolution of space will be in the way that combines space which is responded to human emotion and user centric human friendly.



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