A Study on the Emotional Characteristic of Traditional Space through Borrowed Landscape

차경기법을 통한 전통공간에서의 감성특성 연구

  • 오영근 (호서대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • Received : 2013.05.27
  • Accepted : 2013.07.05
  • Published : 2013.08.31


This study employed the Semantic Differential(SD) technique for an empirical analysis of the borrowed landscape-the so-called interaction of landscape between space and nature-in traditional Korean space against the cultural backdrop of confucian ideology. Its findings are as follows: First, the study conducted a comparative analysis of the borrowed landscape between Sarangchae(Men's quarters) and Anchae(Women's quarters) and between Soteuldaemun(A lofty gate) and Sadangdaemun(A gate to an ancestral shrine), using the SD technique. Consequently, their marked distinction in the borrowed landscape were found to illustrate the influence of confucian ideology over spatial composition. Second, both the garden and the sky of Sarangchae appeared more open and dynamic, and soft, and comfortable, and warm compared to Anchae. Also, Soteuldaemun looked more open and dynamic than Sadangdaemun. In conclusion, traditional Korean space applies a monistic view of the world to nature and human beings, thereby embodying a philosophical and aesthetic space where humans enjoy their life in harmony with nature while playing with the landscape in a traditional space.



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