해부학적 잠김 압박 금속판을 이용한 원위 비골 골절의 치료

Operative Treatment with Anatomically Preshaped Locking Compression Plate in Distal Fibular Fracture

  • 정형진 (인제대학교 의과대학 상계백병원 정형외과)
  • Chung, Hyung-Jin (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sanggye Paik Hospital, Inje University Collage of Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2013.04.14
  • 심사 : 2013.05.21
  • 발행 : 2013.06.15


Purpose: Preshaped Locking compression plate(LCP) has holes with fixed angle between screw and plate and have advantage firm fixation because it has stability of angular and axial deformity. We evaluated usefulness of LCP after open reduction and internal fixation in distal fibular fracture. Materials and Methods: Between December 2011 and May 2012, 23 patients with fracture of distal fibula were followed up at least 12 months underwent open reduction and internal fixation with LCP. There were 15 males and 8 females with a mean age 39.8(20~69) years. According to Danis-Weber classification, there were 20 cases of type B and 3 cases of type C. There were 13 cases of isolated lateral malleolus fractures, 1 case of bimalleolar fracture, 6 cases of trimalleolar fractures and 3 cases of distal tibia fractures with proximal fibula fracture. Intraoperatively, we assessed whether preshaped LCP fit lateral margin of distal fibula or not and evaluated quality of reduction and postoperative complications. The cases were analyzed by radiological bone union time and clinical results according to the criteria of Meyer Results: Of all cases, complete bone union was achieved and average radiological bone union time was 7.3(6~12) weeks. The clinical results were excellent in 18 cases(78%), good in 5 cases(22%). There were 5 cases of plate with 3 holes, 13 cases of plate with 4 holes, 2 cases of plate with 5 holes, 1 case of plate with 6 holes and 2 cases of plate with 7 holes. The average number of screws at proximal fragement was 2.5 and at distal fragment was 3.5. In 14 cases (60.8 %), we needed re-bending of plate because the distance between plate and lateral cortical margin of distal fibula was more than 5 mm at anteroposterior X-ray after reduction. All cases have anatomical reduction and there were no complications of wound infections. There were no complaint about hardware irritation. Conclusion: At fractures of distal fibula,preshaped LCP had a excellent stability although far cortex was not fixed with screw and bending of plate. And there are less complications of hardware irritation and wound problems. But, Some complement would be needed because there were no complete fitting between precontour of LCP and lateral cortical margin of distal fibula.



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