Problems and Ways of Improving on Personal Organization of Maritime Safety Tribunal

해양안전심판원의 인적구성의 문제점 및 개선방안

  • Received : 2012.12.30
  • Accepted : 2013.06.03
  • Published : 2013.06.30


The purpose of Maritime Safety Tribunal is that experts about ship operation investigate and reveal causes of marine disasters and suggest plans to prevent recurrence in Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal which is a kind of administrative court. Despite the fact that 72% of marine disasters is fishing vessel accidents and 75% of collision accidents between vessels which most occur is related to fishing boats, it is the very serious problem that there is no any person with licenses of marine technicians for fishing vessels in judges and investigators of Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal. The operational characteristics of fishing vessels, their sizes, and shift patterns of duties in wheelhouses are completely and incommensurably different from those of merchant vessels. By the way, if the investigators and judges who just consist of merchant vessel experts investigate and judge marine accidents about fishing vessels, there could be errors in establishment of policies to investigate and reveal their causes and prevent recurrence of accidents. Especially, in case of collision accidents between fishing vessels and merchant vessels, it is thought that the marine accident interested provides causes which can be doubtful about fairness of judges. Therefore, it is thought that the ratio of judges and investigators is most desirable to compose it to be similar to the occurrence frequency of marine accidents. For this, the following solution plans are suggested. First, qualification for appointment requires first class marine technicians. But there is the only one vessel which needs the first class in fishing vessels. Therefore, it is thought that the provisory clause should be added so that the second class marine technicians can be used instead of the first class ones. Second, the marine accidents of fishing vessels reach 72% but the fact that there is no any judge and investigator with licenses of marine technicians for fishing vessels is thought to go against the purpose of establishment of Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal. Therefore, it is thought that there is, at least, one more judges and investigators in the central and local Korean Maritime Safety Tribunals. The same method should be applied to judge assistants and investigation assistants.



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