The purpose of this research was to find an optimal quarrying for marble by analyzing the applicability and the work efficiency of a chain saw machine newly introduced in the underground Baekwoon mine. From the test results of the physical properties of Baekwoon marble, which affects the efficiency of rock cutting, it was found to have similar physical characteristics as the ones which are now being produced in the other areas in Korea. And especially it shows isotropic property, which can be thought to be advantageous as a dimensional stone. To check the long-term quality of the marble as a stone material, several tests such as corrosion resistance test and abrasion test were carried out. It was found to be vulnerable to acid rain with decrease of weight and seismic wave velocity after applying artificial rain at pH 5.6 for 50 times. The percentage of wear from abrasion test was 22.67%. The working time and cutting speed of the chain saw machine were recorded and analyzed during the test-run at the quarry. The overall work cycle was assorted into 9 unit operations and the operating time per each unit was drawn. The operating times for the two cutting patterns, which could be possibly applicable to the work site, were compared. The results indicated that the pattern B, that the cutting sequence was set to minimize the movement of the machine, showed 6% less working hours than the pattern A, which first cuts the outer boundary. With cutting pattern analysis, the ore body in the Baekwoon mine was 3 dimensionally modeled and a quarrying plan considering the existing conditions of the marble was suggested.
본 연구는 백운광산지역에 부존하는 대리석을 효율적으로 채석하고자 새로이 도입한 체인쏘머신(chain saw machine)의 적용성과 작업 효율을 분석함으로써 최적의 채석 방안을 도출하고자 하였다. 절단 효율에 큰 영향을 미치는 채석대상암석의 물리적 특성을 파악한 결과, 국내 타 지역에서 산출되는 대리석의 물성과 유사한 수준을 보이고 있으며 등방적 성질을 지니고 있어 산업용 석재로서 유리한 것으로 나타났다. 부존 대리석이 석재로서 가지는 중장기 품질을 확인하기 위해 내부식성, 마모율 등의 시험을 수행한 결과, pH 5.6의 인공강우를 50회 적용한 이후부터 시험편의 무게와 탄성파속도가 감소하였으며 마모율은 22.67%로 나타났다. 채석장 현장에서 시험운행 중인 체인쏘머신의 작업별 소요시간과 절단속도를 분석하여 단위작업을 9가지로 분류하였고 각 단위작업별 소요시간을 도출하였다. 이를 토대로 현장에 실제 적용 가능한 2가지 작업패턴에 대한 작업소요시간을 비교한 결과 장비 본체이동을 최소화하여 절단순서를 결정한 패턴 B가 원석의 외곽면을 우선 절단하도록 절단순서를 결정한 패턴 A보다 약 6%의 작업시간 단축을 나타내었다. 절단패턴 분석과 함께 백운광산의 광체를 3차원으로 모델링하고 대상암석의 부존조건을 고려한 채석 계획안을 제시하였다.