반-로지스틱과 로그로지스틱 NHPP 분포 특성을 이용한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기 비교 연구

The Comparative Study of Software Optimal Release Time of Finite NHPP Model Considering Half-Logistic and Log-logistic Distribution Property

  • 김희철 (남서울대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


In this paper, make a study decision problem called an optimal release policies after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user. In the course of correcting or modifying the software, finite failure non-homogeneous Poisson process model, presented and was proposed release policies of the life distribution, half-logistic and log-logistic distributions model which used to an area of reliability because of various shape and scale parameter. In this paper, discuss optimal software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement. In a numerical example, the parameter estimation using maximum likelihood estimation of failure time data make out, and software optimal release time was estimated.



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