Nulling algorithm design using approximated gradient method

근사화된 Gradient 방법을 사용한 널링 알고리즘 설계

  • 신창의 (한양대학교 전자컴퓨터통신공학과 통신신호처리연구실) ;
  • 최승원 (한양대학교 전자컴퓨터통신공학과)
  • Published : 2013.03.30


This paper covers nulling algorithm. In this algorithm, we assume that nulling points are already known. In general, nulling algorithm using matrix equation was utilized. But, this algorithm is pointed out that computational complexity is disadvantage. So, we choose gradient method to reduce the computational complexity. In order to further reduce the computational complexity, we propose approximate gradient method using characteristic of trigonometric functions. The proposed method has same performance compared with conventional method while having half the amount of computation when the number of antenna and nulling point are 20 and 1, respectively. In addition, we could virtually eliminate the trigonometric functions arithmetic. Trigonometric functions arithmetic cause a big problem in actual implementation like FPGA processor(Field Programmable gate array). By utilizing the above algorithm in a multi-cell environment, beamforming gain can be obtained and interference can be reduced at same time. By the above results, the algorithm can show excellent performance in the cell boundary.



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