PNF and Movement
- Volume 11 Issue 2
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- Pages.21-29
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- 2013
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- 2508-6227(pISSN)
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- 2508-6472(eISSN)
The Effects of Lateral Wedged Insole to the Shoe of the Affected Side on Weight Bearing, Balance and Gait with Stroke
마비측에 적용한 외측 쐐기 깔창이 뇌졸증 환자의 체중부하율과 균형, 보행에 미치는 영향
- Kim, Hye-Lim (Dept. Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Health and Sports, Deajeon University) ;
Shin, Won-Seob
(Dept. Physical Therapy, College of Natural Science, Daejeon University)
- Received : 2013.07.09
- Accepted : 2013.10.07
- Published : 2013.12.31
Purpose : The study was to evaluate the weight distribution, balance and gait function of stroke patients wearing lateral wedged insole to the shoe of the affected side. Methods : 27 patients with stroke (15 men, 12 women) participated in this study. Participants performed weight distribution, dynamic balance and gait ability with or without wedged insole on affected side in a random order. The balancia was used to evaluate the weight distribution. Deviation from the center line was analyzed by Dartfish during sit to stand to evaluate dynamic balance. The functional walk ability evaluated by 10 m walking velocity. Results : The asymmetry index of weight bearing improved significantly with wedged insole of affected side(p<.05). During sit to stand, center of gravity significantly moved from non-affected side to more mid line of body(p<.05). Improvement were shown in walking speed after wearing the wedged insole(p<.05). Conclusion : Wedged insole applied on affected side have a beneficial effect on weight distribution, dynamic balance and walking speed with stroke.