A Validity Study on Measurement of Mental Fatigue Using Speech Technology

음성기술을 이용한 정신피로 측정에 관한 타당성 연구

  • Received : 2013.02.01
  • Accepted : 2013.03.26
  • Published : 2013.03.31


This study proposes a method to measure mental fatigue using speech technology, which has not been used in previous research and is easier than existing complex and difficult methods. It aims at establishing a relationship between the human voice and mental fatigue based on experiments to measure the influence of mental fatigue on the human voice. Two monotonous tasks of simple calculation such as finding the sum of three one digit numbers were used to measure the feeling of monotony and two sets of subjective questionnaires were used to measure mental fatigue. While thirty subjects perform the experiment, responses to the questionnaire and speech data were collected. Speech features related to speech source and the vocal tract filter were extracted from the speech data. According to the results, speech parameters deeply related to mental fatigue are a mean and standard deviation of fundamental frequency, jitter, and shimmer. This study shows that speech technology is a useful method for measuring mental fatigue.



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Cited by

  1. Measuring Correlation between Mental Fatigues and Speech Features vol.6, pp.2, 2014,