Effects of Chest Compression Quality between Rescuer's Simplified Verbal-Order Method and Continued Verbal-Order Method during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

심폐소생술 시 구조자의 간소화된 구령방법과 연속된 구령방법 간의 가슴압박 질 효과

  • 백홍석 (대전대학교 응급구조학과) ;
  • 박상섭 (충청대학교 응급구조과)
  • Received : 2013.01.29
  • Accepted : 2013.04.11
  • Published : 2013.04.28


The purpose of this study is to increase efficiency of CPR through comparing the chest-compression quality between rescuer's simplified verbal order method and the continued verbal order method by utilizing voice meter during CPR. Subjects were 89 people(45 people for the experimental group, 44 people for the control group) who completed the 15-week CPR curriculum as undergraduates for the department of Emergency Medical Technology in C Province and were carried out by being randomly extracted. The group division was set for the experimental group as the group with the simplified verbal order and for the control group as the group with the continued verbal order. The period of measurement was progressed primarily(November 10, November 28, 2011) and secondarily(September 3-September 4, 2012). An analysis was used SPSS WIN 12.0 program. As a result of research, as for the implementation of appropriate chest compression(time, %), the quality was higher(p<.05) in the experimental group(102.86 times, 67.79%) than the control group(85.31 times, 55.84%). As a result of research, the chest compression(time, %) in the experimental group(102.86 times, 67.79%) had the higher effect of chest compression quality(p<.05) than the control group(85.31 times, 55.84%). On the other hand, the operation of weak chest compression(time) was higher in control group(61.13 times) than experimental group(35.54 times). The proper chest compression was shown(p<.05) in men of the experimental group as for gender and in over 60kg of the experimental group as for weight.

본 연구는 심폐소생술 시 음성측정기를 활용하여 구조자의 간소화된 구령방법과 연속된 구령방법과의 가슴압박 질 비교를 통해 심폐소생술의 효율성을 높이고자 한다. 대상자는 C도 소재 응급구조과 재학생으로 심폐소생술 15주 교육과정을 이수한 89명(실험군 45명, 대조군 44명)을 무작위추출 하여 시행하였다. 집단 구분은 간소화된 구령집단을 실험군, 연속적 구령집단을 대조군으로 하였다. 실험측정 기간은 1차(2011년 11월 10일, 11월 28일)와 2차(2012년 9월3일-9월4일)로 진행하였다. 분석은 SPSS WIN 12.0 program을 사용하였다. 연구결과 적절한 가슴압박(회, %)은 실험군(102.86회, 67.79%)이 대조군(85.31회, 55.84%) 보다 가슴압박 질 효과가 높았다(p<.05). 반면, 약한 가슴압박(회) 시행은 실험군(35.54회) 보다 대조군(61.13회)이 높았다. 성별에 있어서는 실험군의 남자가, 체중에 있어서는 실험군의 60kg이상이 적절한 가슴압박을 보였다(p<.05).



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