A Development of Quantification Indicators for Circulation System Evaluation in Mixed-Use Buildings

복합건축 효율적 동선체계 평가를 위한 정량화 지표 개발

  • Published : 2013.09.25


The objective of the study is to derive the quantification indicators for circulation system evaluation and to analyse the importance weight of the indicators in mixed-use buildings. The study is based on the following approaches: first, extracts four circulation plan elements (path, entrance, central area, vertical circulation elements) and five quantitative elements (width, length, height, ratio, depth) to evaluate numerically by literatures review related to mixed-use buildings. Second, derives the evaluation categories for individual characteristics and connection structure on four circulation plan elements. Third, surveys practicing professionals three times using Delphi Technique. Fourth, develops the quantification indicators for circulation system evaluation and analyses the importance weight of the indicators by descriptive statistics (PASW statistics18) and AHP. According to the study, the width is the most important factor in quantitative elements and the central area is the key element in circulation plan elements.



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