Aldo Rossi and Rafael Moneo's Architecture in Relation to Time and Space - Focusing on the Issues of Regionalism -

시간과 공간의 관계로 본 알도 로시와 라파엘 모네오의 건축 - 지역주의의 문제를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2013.09.25


Critical regionalism plays role in the modernist space as a resistance to globalization. But today it is difficult to maintain a critical attitude. Because contemporary space, so-called post-modern space, accommodate even spacing that is comprehensive critical regionalism strategy. On these issues, this thesis look into the critical regionalism's possibilities that can operate as a critical manner in the post-modern space, through a study on the socio-cultural research in the space of modernism and post-modernism. And it is determined through the architecture of Aldo Rossi and Rafael Moneo. As a result, they use a methodology to strengthen the sense of place by separating the temporal and spatial elements that register modernism and post-modernism's simultaneous synthesis of spatial and temporal elements of place. And the relationship between the temporal and spatial components has possibilities that can work in critical regionalism.



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