An Study on the Skin Fabrication of Office Building of the 1960's Located in the Northern Metropolitan Seoul Area

1960년대 강북 고층업무시설의 외피형성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2013.09.25


This thesis aims to focus on the distinctive character of contemporary Korean architecture by focusing on the formative process of out skin fabrication of high-rise office buildings in the Sixties. This decade was characterized by a policy that intended to transform whole national territory as productive vehicle of economy. Urban migration and consequent settlement in quatitative level had taken place, as demand for monumental buildings that could physical represent economic growth had been growing. The skin of these building is a manifestation of the figurative premise of each architect that correspond to the urbanization and economic development actualized by central government. This thesis proposed three categories to understand different strategies taken by various architects toward the urban phenomenon and infrastructure condition of the decade under speculation.



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