삼청동길 상업가로 장소성 변화요인으로서 프랜차이즈 상점 입점현상 고찰 및 개선방안 연구

A Study on the Occupancy of Franchisor as the Change Factor of the Identity in Commercial Street, Focused on Samcheongdong-Gil

  • 박진아 (한양대학교 도시공학과) ;
  • 정윤주 (한양대학교 도시공학과 대학원)
  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


This study points out that the identity of commercial area has been altered by sterility, uniformity, especially fastest-growing franchised chains in Samcheongdong-gil. It is based on $1^{st}$ survey which pointed immethodical occupancy of franchised chains and extension of a store size with the change factors of the identity in commercial area. So first, the study is compounded of official interview and surveys to franchiser. Through this, correlations among the influence of store size, the occupancy periods of the commercial stores and location of franchised chains are analyzed. Second, the trend about combination of lots is found by analyzing the plot change on the target area, then reviewed correlation with the tendency of location of the commercial stores in recent years. On the basis of these analysis, the influence of a building size which effects, main factor, occupancy of franchised chains on the existing active commercial street in this study figures out that the influence of a building size causes the identity of commercial street to alter as a main factor. According to these results, a institutional strategy about form and size of plot basically affect to a building size is sufficient.



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