A Study on the Capital Structure and Change of the Gaegyeong, in the Reign of the 6th King of the Goryeo Dynasty

고려 성종대 개경의 변화와 도성구조에 관한 검토

  • Published : 2013.05.25


This paper is to clarify on the formation of capital structure and change of the Gaegyeong in the reign of the 6th King of the Goryeo Dynasty, based on a study of the location of capital facilities, the background of the change to the Chinese capital system, and the capital spacial structure. King Seongjong, the 6th King of the Goryeo Dynasty, institutes the Chinese capital system based on the Confucian system in order to resolve a social contradictions caused by religion, and to adapt the change of the international situation. As a result, Confucian facilities, such as Jongmyo(royal ancestral shrine) and Sajik(altar for state deities) were established for the first time in the capital of Goryeo Dynasty. Nevertheless, they were placed on the outside of the Imperial city, the Capital. The causes are found in the geographical condition of the Gaegyeong and in the wide area of the capital in early Goryeo period. The facilities were widely distributed to controled the wide area of the capital efficiently.



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