A Study on the Establishment of Quality Assurance System for Korea Green Building Certification System

녹색건축물 인증제도의 인증평가 검증 시스템 구축에 관한 연구

  • 김삼열 (동의대학교 건축설비공학과)
  • Published : 2013.03.25


The requirement of sustainability in the field of building industry pushes many countries to make green building assessment systems. Korea has also made a green building assessment system, named GBCS (Green Building Certification System) and started to implement the GBCS in 2002. During 10 years of operation, GBCC has been upgraded in the structure of the criteria. The types of buildings to assess have been expanded and there are seven building types for the assessment nowadays. However, the structure of the operation system needs to be considered. The main bodies for the assessment process are the governing body by the government (MLTM & MOT), eleven certification bodies (seven of them are recently nominated by the government) and a newly established operational body. For establishing objectivity of the certification result, we need a proper process such as QA(Quality Assurance) System during the certification process. This research investigates the operation processes of BREEAM(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and CSH(Code for sustainable Homes), and they are compared with the operation process of GBCC. The role of the operational body and the relationship among the governing body (the government), the operational body (KICT) and eleven certification body are investigated. Finally the operational process of GBCC with the adaptation of QA(Quality Assurance) is suggested.



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