지방중소도시 충주지역의 개발단지규모와 공동주택 단지내 상가 업종구성 연구

A Study on the Correlation between the Development Scale of Apartment Housing and the Commercial Facilities in Chung-ju City

  • 노정우 (유아컨설턴트종합건축사사무소) ;
  • 강윤식 (팀텐건축사사무소) ;
  • 김기수 (충북대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.03.25


The purpose of this study examines the correlation between the development scale of the housing complex and the types of retail among the adjunct commercial facilities and estimates the optimal types of retail and their volumes to offer a standard that could be applicable in the future housing planning. The commercial facilities of apartment housing development in Chung-ju area is examined in details as a case study. The scope is limited to examine the correlation between the development scale of apartment housing and the commercial facilities in Chung-ju city and produce the direction for planning the types of retail of commercial facilities with focus on the case study. Based on the preliminary research, site visits, and the analysis of the apartment housing complex ledgers, the correlation between the development scale of apartment housing and the commercial facilities in Chung-ju city was concretely analyzed, and the demand and the manageable types of retail were estimated, which eventually leads to offering a guideline for planning specific items and their volumes for adjunct commercial facilities.



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