마을만들기 조례에 근거한 마을만들기 사업의 운용 실태에 관한 연구 - 지자체의 인식을 중심으로 -

A Survey Study on the Maul-Mandulgi Project Based on Ordinance - Focusing on the Understanding of the Municipalities -

  • 윤혜영 (동경대학교 도시공학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.08.25


The purpose of this reasearch is to find a better idea for maul mandulgi ordinance by analyze the current condition of application of Maul-mandulgi project which based on relative ordinance of municipalities in Korea. Questionnaire was chosen as methodology to clarify the perception of municipalities, and the survey was classified as 1) application of maul-mandulgi project 2) selection of maul-mandulgi project 3) Role and the relative importance of each agent 4) task and improvement part. The result of this article showed that maul mandulgi application still need to improve for project application stages and the relationship structures for decision making within agents. However, most of municipalities have recognized necessity of a unit for maul-mandulgi and effective system for support, and it may be regarded as possibilities of improvement.



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