A Study on the Students' Way of Analogical Thinking in Concept Formulation & Form-Generating Process

과제설계의 개념설정과 형태도출과정에 나타나는 유추적 사고방식에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2013.10.25


This study focuses on analogical thinking in the concept formulation and form-generating process of the students'design works. The case study mostly takes third year students at "Y" university and analyzed their studio works. The analysis of the case study focused on sources, conversion methods, and conversion media of design concept. The results of the research are followed. Students who want to use design concept as an active and direct form-generating tool have a form-oriented design tendency and there were many cases where the student was able to utilize the formulation and conversion of design concept through analogical methods. The specificities are as followed: 1) Some students tend to generate architectural form by substitute the formal character or figure of concept itself directly to architectural form without any transformational process. Especially abstract concepts had created a substitution architecturally can be seen. 2) In this type of form, in many cases, they become extremely "stuck" or they give up on the concept itself. 3) In a design shown in a diagram form, there were situations where the diagram took an exact form architecturally. As a result, it is revealed when students use a certain concept as an analogical tool of form-generating in direct, students with lack of experience and ability to apply a functional form, fall into a standstill process or the design process itself becomes distorted. On the other hand, in a case where architectural concept uses tools of indirect analogy or a new analog is added in a variety to the diagram production in the analogical process, the resulting product has a high level of completion.



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