Architectural Design Considering the Composed Unit Cost of BIM Rough Estimation Research - Focused on the Office of Construction and Facilities Management BIM Basic Guidelines -

건축설계를 고려한 합성단가 BIM 적용 개산견적 연구 - 조달청 시설사업 BIM 기본 지침을 중심으로 -

  • 윤명철 (국립경상대학교 대학원)
  • Published : 2013.10.25


Depending on the scope of the margin of error of the feasibility of the project, the estimate might be seen as a decisive factor. The Office of Construction and Facilities Management BIM Basic Guidelines v1.2 publication, the estimates of BIM property information for standards, provides a practical application of judo. Therefore, in this study, a building design was found and applied to formulate the BIM composite price for the cost estimates of the calculated amount and for the Office of Construction and Facilities Management BIM Basic Guidelines v1.2 for structure and finish property information and code, structure (concrete steel mold), and finish (aqueous paint, gypsum boards, porcelain tile, cement mortar, and mineral elastic waterproofing). This was done by applying BIM calculated based on volume and unit, where the appropriate material and labor expenses were used to calculate composite unit prices by multiplying the standard unit cost from the BIM Office of Construction and Facilities Management guidelines based on estimates of the amount of money and calculations. BIM was also based on the materials takeoff, detailed cost estimates, and the amount of money. Moreover, leading research and the estimated average margin of error were compared. The object structure and finish of the framing cost estimates of the Revit-family parts, materials, and composite unit price construction costs were made by taking advantage of the design, estimated cost, and use of the architectural design.



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