The Historical Analysis by Estimation of Heating Temperature and Properties of Clay Brick in Modern Korea

근대 점토벽돌의 소성온도 추정과 물성에 의한 시대성 연구

  • Published : 2013.09.25


In Korea, the traditional ceramic techniques such as roof tile and traditional brick has been developed. And these have been developed as combining with traditional techniques after manufacturing technology of red brick was introduced from Japan and Western. In this study, the bricks technology is analyzed with the historical analysis to introduction and development, based on the properties of the red brick manufactured in modern Korea. From the result, The clay brick which is used in the early 1900s has even lower property than present clay brick because of propagation of heating facility such as Hoffmann kiln at that time. And, it could be possible to estimate heating temperature at manufacturing time through the result of the experiments, XRD and changed absorbing ratio from re-firing.



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