The Biometric based Mobile ID and Its Application to Electronic Voting

  • Yun, Sung-Hyun (Div. of Information & Communication Engineering, Baekseok University) ;
  • Lim, Heui-Seok (Dept. of Computer Science Education, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2012.04.09
  • 심사 : 2012.12.09
  • 발행 : 2013.01.31


It requires a lot of costs and manpower to manage an election. The electronic voting scheme can make the election system economic and trustful. The widespread use of smart phones causes mobile voting to be a major issue. The smart phone can be used as a mobile voting platform since it can carry out many services in addition to basic telephone service. To make mobile voting practical and trustful, we analyzed two subjects of study. Firstly, the way to make a biometric based mobile ID, which has legal binding forces. In mobile voting, user identification is accomplished on line since the voter should be able to vote wherever they go. The digital ID conducts a similar role to the need for a resident card. The user's identity is bound to the resident card legally. To bind the user's identity to the smart phone, we use USIM. Biometric recognition is also needed to authenticate the user, since the user cannot prove him or her on line face-to-face. The proposed mobile ID can be reissued by means of introducing a random secret value. Secondly, the mobile voting scheme is proposed where candidates can accept election results without doubt. The goal of an election is to select a leader among two or more candidates. Existing electronic voting schemes mainly focus on the study of ballot verification accomplished by voters. These approaches are not safe against collusion attacks where candidates and the election administration center are able to collude to fabricate election results. Therefore, a new type of voting and counting method is needed where candidates can directly take part in voting and counting stages. The biometric based multi-signature scheme is used to make the undeniable multi-signed ballot. The ballot cannot be verified without the help of all candidates. If candidates accept election results without a doubt, the fairness of the election is satisfied.



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