Effect of Long Term Fertilization on Microbial Biomass, Enzyme Activities, and Community Structure in Rice Paddy Soil

  • Lee, Chang Hoon (Division of Soil and Fertilizer, NAAS, RDA) ;
  • Kang, Seong Soo (Division of Soil and Fertilizer, NAAS, RDA) ;
  • Jung, Ki Youl (FunctionalCereal Crop Research Division, NCSI, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Pil Joo (Division of Applied Life Science (BK 21 Program), Gyeongsang National University)
  • Received : 2013.10.31
  • Accepted : 2013.11.18
  • Published : 2013.12.31


The effects of long-term fertilization on soil biological properties and microbial community structure in the plough layer in a rice paddy soil in southern Korea were investigated in relation to the continuous application of chemical fertilizers (NPK), straw based compost (Compost), combination these two (NPK + Compost) for last 40 years. No fertilization plot (Control) was installed for comparison. Though fertilization significantly improved rice productivity over control, the long-term fertilization of NPK and compost combination was more effective on increasing rice productivity and soil nutrient status than single application of compost or chemical fertilizer. All fertilization treatments had shown significant improvement in soil microbial properties, however, continuous compost fertilization markedly increased soil enzyme and microbial activities as compared to sole chemical fertilization. Results of microbial community structure, evaluated by EL-FAME (ester-linked fatty acid methyl esters) method, revealed big difference among Control, NPK, and Compost. However, both Compost and Compost+NPK treatments belonged to the same cluster after statistical analysis. The combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic amendments could be more rational strategy to improve soil nutrient status and promote soil microbial communities than the single chemical fertilizer or compost application.



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